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My approach is body-based, relational and playful. From rituals to roughhousing, I offer interpersonal skill building, co-regulation practices, embodiment tools, touch-oriented exercises and land-based explorations to support the goals of my clients.

Each session starts with opening the relational space and checking in with the body: What's it like to be you today? Where do you feel curious to explore? From there we improvise, which is where the magic happens. We always have the co-created map from the first session to refer to, and update as needed.


Noticing sensations, curiosities and growth edges, each session can be vastly different and often builds off of what opened up last time. Opportunities to give feedback and make adjustments are woven into every session, and if desired, tailored practices are given for exploration between sessions.  

Sessions Can Include:

dating relationship couple
Dating & Relationship
Ongoing support for the ups and downs of seeking or deepening meaningful connection
black purple maroon white waves
Gendering Support
Exploring un-gendering, re-gendering, what is gender for, and body rituals for tender times
Pleasure Mentorship
Pleasure mapping, exploring the erotic equation, rewiring the body for pleasure, trauma stewardship.
love, joy, three queer adults cuddling
Relational Intimacy Toolkit
Discerning closeness, gateways to intimacy, knowing what you want, paradox of sovereignty practices
boundaries and consent
Boundary & Consent Skillbuilding
Understanding the language of the body, opening the voice, building muscle memory for sharing honestly
fall tree leaves
Body Sovereignty &
Nervous system support, inner landscape attunement, creativity practices

How much does it cost?

My rate is $100/hour

​All first sessions are 2 hours to get to know each other, create shared language, and map the potential adventure together.

After that, clients can book sessions anywhere from 1 to 4 hours long. Longer sessions open the door for more movement around intentions and goals.

I recommend weekly or every other week frequency, with the ability to flex or change as budget and schedule shift.

*If my rate is out of your budget but you're interested in working with me, please reach out. I offer sliding scale when able.

Step 1

Schedule your consulation

Click on the link below to schedule a free 30 minute phone consultation. We'll connect about your goals, my offerings, and what working together might look like.

Step 2

Co-create a map

If we decide to work together, we'll co-create a map of

activities and frameworks that will help you reach your goals. The map is tailored to your needs, curiosities and desires, and works within your budget. 

Step 3


Here's where session work gets exciting. Looking at the map of possibilities, we'll see where you feel called to go that day, and dive in. Aftercare and integration is built into every session, with ample opportunity to change directions or update the map.

Where is the studio?

I love what I do and I don’t do it alone: my studio is on a half acre of land in an oak grove sanctuary, home to many birds, plants, animals and elements. I also work with clients online if they aren't in the Portland, Oregon area. While in-person offers a much wider range of physical activities and co-regulation, online work engages creativity and the imagination, and weaves in the client's environment much more thoroughly.

warm studio with light
oak trees with morning sun and fog
warm studio with light

$500 Packages

Choose a series of sessions focused on one of these topics:

Erotic Detective

What's your flavor of feeling and moving towards pleasure? Everyone's erotic nature is entirely unique, and sometimes buried deep beneath cultural programming. Skillfully uncover hidden parts and bolster erotic freedom as it naturally expresses through you. Held in a container of curiosity, playfulness and care.

Dating Ally

Do you dread dating apps and awkward first dates? Finding connection can be challenging for all of us, especially if we have a history of merging too quickly or keeping people at a distance. This series offers tangible practices to clarify what you're looking for and role-play opportunities to embody receptive confidence. 

Pleasure Gendering

Creatively unravel the impacts of cis-normativity and uplift body-based discoveries of what feels good in your gendering. How does gender liberation connect to a larger call for decolonization? Explorations around body parts, attractions, and what's inside ready to come out to play. Trauma-responsive and pleasure-centered.

What's Included:

  • A 30 minute phone call to connect intentions and ask questions

  • Three 90 minute sessions

  • Home practices to support your learning and integration

  • Light text support between sessions if desired

  • Written support materials as needed

Image by Allec Gomes


I'm recovering from a major surgery and the work I did with Jade was transformational. Their touch is very attuned and they gave me just the right amount of verbal connection at the start of our session to understand what my body was needing and wanting most. The physical support coupled with the emotional support was exquisite. I truly felt empowered to be as much in charge in the session as I wanted, and simultaneously free to melt into the support and let go. I'm very grateful and am looking forward to my next session! Thank you Jade!


- K.W.

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